As I mentioned a week or so ago, we’re rapidly approaching the time that the military is able to most let our elected officials know what we think, by voting for them. This year is a really big year. Aside from the fact that it will decide who the president (and your Commander In Chief) is for the next 4 years, it will also elect 35 Senators, 435 Representatives, 11 Governors, and 278 State Level judges.
Below, I’ve compiled a chart showing the number of seats open for each state, the registration deadline, if the state allows early voting (43 states allow it), and what the rules are for absentee voting. No-excuse means that any registered voter can get an absentee ballot (34 states allow it), while Limited means that there are restrictions on who can get it. The important thing to remember is that as a member of the military, each of us qualify to vote via absentee, especially if you are stationed out of state. I will also point out that a number of states are changing their rules for 2020 due to the virus. The chart does not reflect that, but I hope to update it when we get closer and states have finalized all of their plans.
The link on each state will take you to the Ballotpedia site for that state’s elections which can give you some very detailed information about each of the candidates for all of the elections within that state. The link for each registration deadline will take you to the state’s voter registration page.
Again, I don’t care who you vote for, as long as you vote. This year, I will be voting via mail in Maryland. I plan on making my voice heard….will you?