So day 6 of Advent of Code was looking for you to help out a planeload of fliers with their customs forms. Our input file was a multi-line file where each line represented an individual person with groups separated by an empty line. To solve this problem, I decided to make use of the defaultdict function.
Advent of Code Days 1-5
Once again, this year I decided to challenge myself to work on my python and complete The Advent of Code. My goal was to stick to each and every day, and for the most part, I was able to stick with that. Here is Days 1-5.
Over the last few months, I’ve begun to work with Ansible and have really begun to love it. It is designed to make configuration management for a single system or even an entire enterprise super easy to take care of.
Retirement Lessons….Health Care
In our ongoing series of retirement lessons, today we’ll be talking about healthcare.