Today I am excited to announce that I have a new job. After spending the last year and a half or so at Secure Enterprise Engineering, I’ve decided to make the move to SealingTech! For those of you who aren’t familiar with SealingTech, it is a small business based here locally in Columbia, MD. They have a long history of working with parts of USCYBERCOM on a variety of projects as well as other customers across the DOD and USG. The decision to move was extremely hard. I absolutely love the people that I’ve worked with and the DISTANTROOK automation project that I’ve been working on nearly since its very first day. We’ve done some great things and I’m absolutely positive that the team will continue.
SealingTech offered me a chance to do something a little bit different and very close to what I was doing when I was still on active duty….leading a team of technical people. I’ve always considered this the best of both worlds; working with a group of highly technical people, getting my hands dirty on the keyboard some, but still having a seat at the table and leading and representing their ideas and interests. There is more to come very soon related to all of this that I can’t wait to talk about. I highly suspect that I will still have a very close relationship with my friends at SEE but look forward to the new adventure.

I’m so happy for you!
It sounds like your dream job… I’m so happy for you!
Congrats. I look forward to updates on the new adventure and your reflections on how civilian IT compares to the Army methodology.