Another problem from ACSC5. You’ve been able to get on a router and capture some traffic in an effort to map out the the corporate network. Your intelligence team has told you that your target device has an IP address of but no one knows that actual location of it. Examine the network traffic and see if you can figure out the location of that device.
Bash Command Line Arguments
I frequently write BASH scripts for use at work. I am a firm believer that if I am going to do something more than once or twice, script the stupid thing out. When possible, I’m a big fan of using command line arguments when I write scripts just to make things easier and also allow even more scripting, but I always forget how the hell to handle the things…..No more.
Mandiant 2018 Trends Report
For anyone who doesn’t know, Mandiant is large cyber security company that was bought by Fireeye. They grabbed a lot of attention by the cyber security community when in 2013, they publicly released a report that linked the Chinese military to attacks dating back to at least 2006 on over 141 organizations. Each year they release a report on cyber security trends that they observed during the previous year. Granted, the results are screwed because they are based only on incidents that they responded to, but they at least give a good overall picture of what is going on around the world.
Yet another problem from ACSC5. Really not much of a clue needed, find the flag
US and Russia Partner for Secure Elections
In what many analysts are calling a surprising move, Secretary of Homeland Security Kirstjen Nielsen on Friday announced that the department had completed a mutual assistance agreement with Russia to help ensure that each countries voting systems were secure.
Slow Mover
Another problem from the 5th annual Army Cyber Skills Challenge. The problem is called slow_mover and can be found here.
Your boss just handed you this PCAP that one of your network sensors captured. He’s positive that there is something fishy going on here but has no clue what it is.
Tough Lessons
I want to take a little time today to talk about a few good lessons I’ve learned over the last few months. Over the years, I’ve written a lot about various technical lessons and skills that I learned but recently I learned a few lessons about managing your career, and what life after the Army is like. So I haven’t put this out to many people but not to long ago, I was in the process of being chaptered out of the Army.
Another quick walk-through from ACSC5. This problem is called find_the_flag. Problem: Someone thought that using telnet was a good idea. Guess this should make your job a lot easier…..Find the flag
We’re Mobile Friendly
I’ve had a number of things on my todo list for a while. One of them has been to update Signal-Chief to make it mobile friendly because I’ve noticed that a fair number of people tend to check us out with their cell phones or tablets. At long last, I have finally done that. I just got done creating a new Wordpress theme based on the Foundations framework. This allowed me to make the site adaptive to various screen sizes very easily so you can read it regardless of what device you are using to check it out. Additionally, I also upgrade the server that I host off of to hopefully make it perform a little bit better. Take a look around and let me know what you think.
January (well February) Warrant Officer Selection Results
So after the first government shutdown delayed the meeting of the selection board last month, HRC today published the results for the January/February Warrant Officer selection board. This board looked at 255A and 255N.