A couple of days ago, I posted an article about some some possibly non-public military locations being discovered after fitness tracker company Strava put up a heat map of their users activity. In the 48 hours or so that has passed 9 Democratic members of congress wrote a letter to Strava asking for information. The letter makes a number of statements and asks questions that I think look to shift the blame of all of this on Strava instead of the military and the individuals who were wearing fitness trackers and publicly broadcasting their location information. I will go through a number of points and include my own response.
Spilling the Beans
I am in Augusta for the next few weeks for the ARCYBER Work Role Working Group (WRWG) and some training. While I was waiting for my plane yesterday, I came across a story in my news feed talking about how publicly available GPS data may have exposed the location of classified US bases overseas
FY 18 Warrant Officer Promotion Board
Well just over a month after they finally released the results of the FY17 promotion board, it’s time to get ready for this years board. MILPER message 18-021 was released on the 18th
Another quick walk-through from ACSC5. This problem is called whats_my_password.
What is that administrator’s password? Note: enter the flag in the format acsc2017{}
The is a follow-on to the first find_the_stack problem from ACSC5. This was originally supposed to be the third one in a series of challenges based on this problem but I had some problems with number two so this became number two.
This is the first of what will hopefully be many walk-throughs from various CTF competitions I’ve competed/worked on. This first challenge is a simple one that I created for the 5th annual Army Cyber Skills Challenge.
Net Neutrality
Earlier this week, the FCC, “lead” by Ajit Pai voted to repeal its policy of Net Neutrality. The policy was put into place in Feb 2015 after the FCC (at the time under the Obama administration) made the decision to classify ISPs as a public utility under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. For a lot of people (myself included for a while), this doesn’t make a lot of sense what any of this means so let me try to take a few minutes to explain (at least my understanding of it).
Cyber Direct Commisioning
This morning, I was going through the Army Times early bird and came across an article called Army offers direct commissions to boost cyber force. Talk about this came out initially a few months ago. Like many ideas, I think it’s a good idea but probably not one that is fully thought out.
2017 Warrant Officer Promotion List (Finally)
First, let me say congrats the the 675 CW2(P), 375 CW3(P), and 70 CW4(P) that were announced today after a very long long long wait for the release of the list. As someone who was looked at this year, I can say personally that the wait has sucked although I have absolutely enjoyed all of the memes showing up on Facebook (we have got some very creative warrants out there with apparently to much free time on their hands).
November Warrant Officer Selection Results
So I know it’s a few days late (what can I say, I was getting ready for a turkey comma) but I wanted to take a minute to congratulate the Army’s newest cyber warrant officers (ya I’m still signal but I play cyber during the day). So with that being said congrats to: