How to build your lab when you’re broke

As a network technician it is important to be able to continually practice your job, learn new things, and work to optimize the network when it’s in use. In a perfect world we would have a fully functioning lab environment where we can duplicate the tactical network, experiment, and roll out configuration changes in a controlled environment to see what effect they will have on the real thing. Unfortunately, that is not the case.

The Lost Art of Legacy Equipment: LOS & the SMART-T in a Decisive Action Rotation

HCLOS Antenna

The below is a copy of an article I wrote for the Center for Army Lessons Learned (CALL) talking about the common trend we have seen at NTC with units attempting to use legacy equipment (in this case High Capacity Line-of-Sight (HCLOS) and SMART-T specifically) in a decisive action (DA) environment.

Welcome to the Site

Hey everyone and thanks for visiting Signal My name is Troy Ward. I am a Chief Warrant Officer 3 in the US Army with 15+ years of experience in telecommunications. So what is Signal Chief.Com? Basically this serves as my place on the interweb to give out my little tidbits of knowledge to new signal warrant officers and anyone else who may be interested. This is based primarily on my experiences as a network technician as well as my time as an OC/T where I have the opportunity to see 10 different Brigade Combat Teams come through and fight a two week war each year.