As I mentioned a week or so ago, we’re rapidly approaching the time that the military is able to most let our elected official know what we think. Below, I’ve compiled a chart of voting info.
Rights, Sorta Rights, and Not Rights
In case you haven’t heard, in 107 days, there is a small election that no matter what you believe in or who you plan on voting for, will have a direct impact on a variety of elements of your life for the next 2-6 years.
You may have noticed recently that Comcast and a number of ISPs have started to fight with Google and Mozilla after the makers of Chrome and Firefox announced that they were going to start support the use of DNS over HTTPS (DOH) and DNS Over TLS (DOT) recently
Moving On Up (To AWS)
So you probably didn’t notice (hopefully didn’t) but Signal-Chief recently made a move. About a month ago, I was checking my email when I got a notice from GoDaddy.
Changes at America’s Favorite Place
Let me preface this by saying this post has absolutely NOTHING to do with anything related remotely to the Military or anything technical. Over the 4th of July holiday, me and the family went Disneyland. I love classic Disney. I’m a believer that classic things should not be updated unless there is a compelling reason.