Computer Network Operations Development Program (CNODP) Class of 2023

Computer Code

Yesterday HRC released MILPER message 19-233 which announced applications for the Computer Network Operations Development Program (CNODP) class of 2023.  For those of you not familiar with it, CNODP is the Army’s school for training future cyber tool developers.  CNODP is comprised of the System and Network Interdisciplinary Program (SNIP), the Global Network Exploitation and Vulnerability Analyst (GNEVA) Development Program (GDP), and the Joint Cyber Development Program (JCDP).

Building a Firewall

This post is probably going to be updated a few times as it’s a work in progress as I figure things out. As I’ve noted before a few times, I like to write things out as I figure them out so that I don’t have to research time and again. Today’s project, replacing a pfSense firewall with a Centos server and Firewalld.

Hide Your Privates

So I learned a pretty tough lesson today. I was doing some research for a project at work (which was going to be the original topic of today’s post) on which required me to setup a SOCKs proxy through AWS. I logged onto AWS, configured a small instance and went to spin it up when I got an error message saying that I didn’t have permissions to do this.

Black Friday Deals

Black Friday

Here are the current deals that I am tracking related to info sec and other general nerdery.  Will update as I can. Here we go again! Pastebin – Lifetime Pro Acct. Deal: $19.95 (normally $49.95) Dates: Current – 11/27 Link: Source: Shodan – Lifetime Deal: $5 (normally $49) Dates: 11/23 – 11/26 Link: »

Army Cyber Skills Challenge 6

SGT Haubrich Award

Last week was the 6th annual Army Cyber Skills Challenge (ACSC) hosted by my home unit, 780th MI Brigade.  If you don’t recall, I first wrote about ACSC about this time last year.  This was the 2nd year in a row that I served as the OIC for the event, and it was truly bigger »

Warrant Officer Promotions

Warrant Ranks

For the first time in a very long time, the warrant officer promotion board results were actually released in the same FY as when the board actually met!  First let me say congrats to everyone that was selected for promotion.  Before I go into the numbers, let me preface this by saying that these numbers »

Honey Pots Get a Little Less Sticky


The other day a friend of mine shared a link to a new academic paper that was just released by a couple of researchers at the University of Cambridge.  The team, Alexander Vetterl and Richard Clayton, wanted to see if they could create a technique to identify publicly accessible honeypots without having to actually interact with them.