MILPER Message 15-294 was released today which officially announced the details of the first 170A Cyber Operations Technician accession board. I had previously said that I believed that the Jan 2016 selection board would be the first time that 170A was looked at, instead it looks like it will now be the March 2016 board which is expected to be held O/A 14 March 2016.
Creating a new Corps
The Army has been in the process of standing up its new Cyber Corps for a little while now. Starting with the creation of the 17A MOS for regular officers, and followed by the recently completed its first round of Voluntary Transfer Incentive Program (VTIP) for the warrants working to start to fill the 170A warrant officer slots, and finishing out the processes with the initial fill of Soldiers who are becoming 17C.
HRC has posted MILPER Message 15-258 seeking applicants for the Computer Network Operations Development Program (CNODP) class of 2019. This is a highly advanced program whose graduates are the developers of the Army’s future CNO tools.
ATP 6-02.75 (Techniques for COMSEC Operations) has been released
The Cyber Center of Excellence has released ATP 6-02.75 (Techniques for COMSEC Operations). It’s stated purpose is to: Provides guidance on the management, employment, handling, and storage of communications security materials.
Cyber is Here
For anyone who doesn’t regularly check the MILPER message site you may have missed three separate messages that were released last week that directly affect signal warrants and our Soldiers. As you probably know, the Army is in the process of manning its new Cyber Branch. The officers got their chance to cross over earlier this year and it looks like the same is finally true for the warrants and Soldiers.