I Hate Amazon

FYI, this post is more of a rant than anything else so feel free not to read it.  Many of you probably don’t know but I have a 10 year old daughter and a 6 year old son.  A few years ago for Christmas we bought them both these Kindle kids editions.  The thing is really just a normal kindle, but it comes with a plastic protector around it (which is actually pretty damn beefy) and more importantly, it comes preconfigured with their “Freetime” application that basically sandboxes the kids account and greatly limits what they can do and get to.  It also comes with free content like a number of applications as well as age appropriate books, etc.

Building a Centos Server Image

System Build Options

This is the first of what will be a number of posts on building out parts of a basic mission network.  This network will be based on Centos 7 (Linux), with an IPA server (Linux version of Active Directory), have a local patching server, and a number of there features.  Today’s article will focus entirely on the basic build of a Centos 7.0 system and will serve as the base system for all of the other lessons in the future