I’ve had a number of things on my todo list for a while. One of them has been to update Signal-Chief to make it mobile friendly because I’ve noticed that a fair number of people tend to check us out with their cell phones or tablets. At long last, I have finally done that. I just got done creating a new Wordpress theme based on the Foundations framework. This allowed me to make the site adaptive to various screen sizes very easily so you can read it regardless of what device you are using to check it out. Additionally, I also upgrade the server that I host off of to hopefully make it perform a little bit better. Take a look around and let me know what you think.
Net Neutrality
Earlier this week, the FCC, “lead” by Ajit Pai voted to repeal its policy of Net Neutrality. The policy was put into place in Feb 2015 after the FCC (at the time under the Obama administration) made the decision to classify ISPs as a public utility under Title II of the Telecommunications Act. For a lot of people (myself included for a while), this doesn’t make a lot of sense what any of this means so let me try to take a few minutes to explain (at least my understanding of it).
Happy Birthday Signal Chief
One year ago today (June 1) is the one year anniversary for Signal Chief. What started out as a side project of mine to help educate Net Techs on the stuff that I see every rotation (in the hopes that they would be able to fix it before they go here) has kind of blown up. And while there is still a lot more that I would like to do with the site, I am pretty damn happy with where it is right now.
Welcome to the Site
Hey everyone and thanks for visiting Signal Chief.com My name is Troy Ward. I am a Chief Warrant Officer 3 in the US Army with 15+ years of experience in telecommunications. So what is Signal Chief.Com? Basically this serves as my place on the interweb to give out my little tidbits of knowledge to new signal warrant officers and anyone else who may be interested. This is based primarily on my experiences as a network technician as well as my time as an OC/T where I have the opportunity to see 10 different Brigade Combat Teams come through and fight a two week war each year.