I was browsing the 255N Facebook group earlier and saw that someone had pasted this handy graphic that shows when you promotion boards (assuming they don’t change anything) will meet. I figured it would be a nice little resource to add to everyone’s kit bag so here you go.
Cyber Chief
Yes that’s right after over 19 years of wearing signal orange I have traded it in for cyber grey.
How to Train (According to the Signal Branch)
So this morning I was checking my email at work and discovered a message announcing the official publication of TC 6-02.1 (The United States Army Signal Corps Training Strategy). According to it’s preface this TC “provides training guidelines and strategies to develop and certify the proficiency of signal collective tasks in support of maneuver operations.”
Signal Chief Is Legit Now!
A couple of months ago I got an email from the training developer for the 25W SLC course asking if it would be possible for them to use some of the articles that I’ve posted here as a daily handout to be used for a short 15 minute discussion.
May Selection Board Results
This was a busy month with board results to post for both 170A, 255A, and 255N.
FY19 Warrant Officer Selection Schedule
Earlier this week HRC released MILPER message 18-144 which announced the schedule for the FY19 Warrant Officer Selection Board.
FY 2019 Signal Regiment Officer Programs
On Wednesday the Army released MILPER message 18-126 announcing the FY19 Signal Regiment Officer Programs. The programs are open to all 25 branch and FA 26 branch officers as well as 255 warrants and is designed to offer broadening opportunities for Signal officers.
Officer or Warrant Officer Post Military Retirement Employment
Let me lead with a little insight into my current situation. I am an Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 that is retiring from the Army after 20 years of active duty service. I have attended the Transition Assistance briefings and classes provided by my local installation. But, these classes are very basic and for everyone. The VA briefings do distinguish the differences in benefits between those that ETS and those that retire but that is the extent of any differentiated training between two types of Soldiers exiting the Army. The information about when I, as a commissioned officer, could start employment was very much discovery learning.
Tough Lessons
I want to take a little time today to talk about a few good lessons I’ve learned over the last few months. Over the years, I’ve written a lot about various technical lessons and skills that I learned but recently I learned a few lessons about managing your career, and what life after the Army is like. So I haven’t put this out to many people but not to long ago, I was in the process of being chaptered out of the Army.
January (well February) Warrant Officer Selection Results
So after the first government shutdown delayed the meeting of the selection board last month, HRC today published the results for the January/February Warrant Officer selection board. This board looked at 255A and 255N.