I’ve written about the importance of having accurate time before, and have always said that it can be difficult to keep a proper clock. I’ve always looked at it from a technical standpoint but a couple of days ago, one of my students sent me a video
and it caused me to look at the topic of time from a completely different perspective.
New Adventures
Today I am excited to announce that I have a new job! After spending the last year and a half or so at SEE, I’ve decided to make the move to SealingTech. While I love the team at SEE, SealingTech offered me a new adventure.
Workstation Setup
I’ve been doing dev work for years but have never taken the time to document how I like my setup which means every time I do it again, I have to figure it all out again.
Implementing SSLSplit
A couple of weeks ago I talked about using SSLSplit to at as a proxy so that I could examine the mechanics of a Docker pull. I decided to go ahead a set up a purpose-built VM just for this so I could easily do this again in the future. I wanted to go ahead and document (and share) the steps that I went through for this.
Retirement Calculator 2022 Edition
A year or two ago I decided to create a retirement calculator to help me figure out my finances for when I was getting ready to retire. It occurred to me earlier today that I have done a poor job of keeping it current, so I decided to spend a few minutes and get it fully updated (I think) for 2022.
Mechanics of Docker Pull
Recently I’ve been in the process of building an offline repository of software for a project at work. The idea is that we’ll be able to completely install all required software completely disconnected from the Internet. When it got time to deal with containers…challenges abounded.
Retirement….One Year Later
Today marks one year since my last day wearing the uniform. Sure, my official retirement date wasn’t until Sept, but a lot of things have happened. In that time, we’ve continued to live through a pandemic, I’ve started a job, quit a job, and started another one, done a lot of work around the house, and been able to enjoy life a little bit.
Unique Identifiers of a Fresh Kali Image
The act of attributing a cyber attack is a long sought after, but rarely attained goal. While things such as techniques, IP addresses, and other artifacts can plan an important role in attributing an attack, being able to attribute actions to a specific computer that has been obtained can help provide overwhelming proof of an act. In this post, I’m publishing a paper that I started working on a few months ago (life gets busy) that provides a forensic analysis of multiple freshly installed Kali systems. My goal over the coming months is to conduct similar experiments on other operating systems. I’ve also provided the raw data that I used to conduct my analysis.
Advent of Code Day 9
For day 9, we’re trying to break a simple encryption scheme. Our input starts with a preamble of 25 numbers. From there, it continues with a series of additional numbers. Each number must be equal to the sum of any two of the previous 25 numbers. We’re trying to find the first number that doesn’t meet that rule.
Advent of Code Day 7
Day 7 threw me for a loop. Basically what you have is a remake of the Matryoshka Dolls where you have a doll inside of a doll, only in this case it was bags within bags. We’re provided with a list of rules telling us which bags are within which bag. Ultimately we want to find how many bags can contain a “Shiny Gold Bag” within it.