Transition Salary

A stack of change

I am now 120 days away from starting my permissive TDY as I leave the Army after nearly 21 years. Part of that process is figuring out how much money I need to make.

Advent of Code – Day 1

Advent of Code

Well I’m only 13 days late, but better late than never. I had some time to kill tonight and decided to finally jump on this year’s advent of code. Each day consists of 2 problems that you solve. So here goes Day 1…..Spoilers Inside

Recovering a RAID Disk


Many years ago I was looking for a network drive that I could attach to my home network to centrally save data. Life was good until a year or so ago when the NAS itself stopped working. I had used the drive for a variety of reasons, among them as a place to put all of our family photos.

Advent of Code

Advent of Code

If you are looking for a fun way to work on your coding skills over the next 25 days or so I would encourage you to check out advent of code. This is a project run by Eric Wastle.

Cyber Warrant Bonus Follow-Up

Bewildered Woman

My last post about the $80K bonus for Cyber Warrants got a lot of comments on Facebook. A lot of them focused on two key things, the kind of odd restrictions built around it (as far as timelines go), and then the fact that 255S were not included in it.