For day 9, we’re trying to break a simple encryption scheme. Our input starts with a preamble of 25 numbers. From there, it continues with a series of additional numbers. Each number must be equal to the sum of any two of the previous 25 numbers. We’re trying to find the first number that doesn’t meet that rule.
Advent of Code Day 7
Day 7 threw me for a loop. Basically what you have is a remake of the Matryoshka Dolls where you have a doll inside of a doll, only in this case it was bags within bags. We’re provided with a list of rules telling us which bags are within which bag. Ultimately we want to find how many bags can contain a “Shiny Gold Bag” within it.
Advent of Code Day 6
So day 6 of Advent of Code was looking for you to help out a planeload of fliers with their customs forms. Our input file was a multi-line file where each line represented an individual person with groups separated by an empty line. To solve this problem, I decided to make use of the defaultdict function.
Advent of Code Days 1-5
Once again, this year I decided to challenge myself to work on my python and complete The Advent of Code. My goal was to stick to each and every day, and for the most part, I was able to stick with that. Here is Days 1-5.
Making Use of Free Time
So since this whole COVID-19 thing started, I’ve had a lot of free time on my hands. Yes, I’ve suddenly become a teacher (I’m taking care of my oldest, while Liz takes care of our youngest) but I am only working at the office one week out of every three. That gives me a lot of time. I decided among other things to work on my Python (a lot). So I went back to the 2015 Advent of Code and just started going away. So here are the first five days of the 2015 Advent of Code.
Advent of Code – Day 4
So since we’ve had a little bit of free time lately, I’ve been doing some python scripting. The other day I decided to go back to Advent of Code and work on it a little bit more.
Advent of Code – Day 3
Day 3 (only 62 days late) of Advent of Code was a huge pain in the ass but a lot of fun.
Advent of Code – Day 2
Day 2 (only 13 days late) of Advent of Code was a throw-back to the Apollo moon landing…..Spoiler Inside.
Advent of Code – Day 1
Well I’m only 13 days late, but better late than never. I had some time to kill tonight and decided to finally jump on this year’s advent of code. Each day consists of 2 problems that you solve. So here goes Day 1…..Spoilers Inside